snipanedir Admin replied

295 weeks ago

Snowflake In Hindi Free Download

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a5c7b9f00b Hunting down the murderer of their families in an anarchic Berlin of the near future, the outlaws Tan and Javid find themselves trapped in the wicked fairytale of a mysterious screenplay that entangles them in a vicious circle of revenge - apparently all written by a clueless dentist.
I really loved this film. Saw it at the Fantasy Film Fest in Berlin. Finally Germany has made a great fantasy film. It's a great plot too: Someone murdered their families and these guys have to hunt them down, but they get caught in a wicked fantasy. It's soooo Berlin of the future. Very original. Hooray!
I have waited way too long and have seen way too many miserable German films - but "Snowflake" is my reward, the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow of shite. <br/><br/>Not since "Run, Lola, run" has a film blended action, humor, violence and smart dialog so perfectly. It's also a brilliant meditation on the nature of movie making and determinism/free will. <br/><br/>It's nigh unbelievable that - due to a lack of studio or network support - this was actually filmed over the course of four years (mostly on weekends). It looks absolutely polished, never openly betraying its very limited budget. <br/><br/>Is it flawless? Almost. Sure, the final act could've done with some minor trimming, the title is a bit bland and the sections that were shot in English are a bit more awkward than the rest - but these are minor quibbles. <br/><br/>Watch it in German, if you can - watch it with subtitles, if you must. But watch it. You'll have one hell of a time.

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last edited 217 weeks ago by snipanedir
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